These photographs were all made on slide film and scanned. It is the only gallery on the site dedicated entirely to film photography.
When I assembled the photographs for my first website a dozen years ago or more, all the candidates were Medium Format film, mostly Velvia and Provia colour slide with a few Tri-X black & whites. It's what people like me did in those days, and the first task after every trip was to get into London to get my slides processed and sleeved. Given I was sometimes carrying 75 rolls of mixed 120 and 220 it was probably no mean task for the lab to make sure I was standing at one of their light tables looking at my slides in two hours sharp, but they always seemed to get it done, and I always appreciated their effort.
Nowadays 100% digital, it does of course take me longer to get that first look and much longer to go through the processing cycle to the point where I have something close to finished images. To be fair it may take longer but I get fewer surprises and it costs a whole lot less.
So the proportion of film photographs in this version of my site is below 15%. I'm pleased I have a flow of new photographs and new themes sufficient to keep this place on the move. But I owe a lot to the disciplines I needed when using such exposure-critical. and unforgiving film . And of course I recognise that some have decided not to transfer their photography to digital because they prefer the look and the process of film. For lots of reasons I made different choices and I have few regrets. But like home-towns, it's best not to forget where you come from.